Management by values: are some values better than others?

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Citation: Krista Jaakson (2010) Management by values: are some values better than others?.
DOI (original publisher): 10.1108/02621711011072504
Semantic Scholar (metadata): 10.1108/02621711011072504
Sci-Hub (fulltext): 10.1108/02621711011072504
Internet Archive Scholar (search for fulltext): Management by values: are some values better than others?
Wikidata (metadata): Q79711719
Tagged: corporate values (RSS)


As definition of values uses “... latent constructs that refer to the way in which people evaluate activities or outcomes” (Roe and Ester, 1999).

Literature review of corporate values shows various authors have various categorization schemes for values. Highlight behavioral vs character values, and Maslow-like hierarchy of values (survival, ethical, wellbeing). Argues for the purposes of Management By Values (MBV) corporate values statements should focus on character and wellbeing. Other policies such as on conduct can govern behavioral and survival aspects.