Exploring Openness in Data and Science: What is “Open,” to Whom, When, and Why?

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Citation: Christine L Borgman (2015) Exploring Openness in Data and Science: What is “Open,” to Whom, When, and Why?. Proceedings of the 78th American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) Annual Meeting 2015 (RSS)
Internet Archive Scholar (search for fulltext): Exploring Openness in Data and Science: What is “Open,” to Whom, When, and Why?
Download: http://works.bepress.com/borgman/376/
Tagged: openness (RSS), open data (RSS)


Based on highly cited publications on open data and data sharing in the previous 10 years, authors synthesize 8 dimensions that encompass associated debates:

  1. definitions of open data
  2. sources of research data
  3. benefits of open research data
  4. scale of data sharing
  5. ownership, licensing, and legal status
  6. means of dissemination
  7. technical access
  8. preserving data for future access