Charging for Parking to Finance Public Services

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Citation: Donald Shoup, Quan Yuan, Xin Jiang (2016/06/03) Charging for Parking to Finance Public Services. Journal of Planning Education and Research (RSS)
DOI (original publisher): 10.1177/0739456X16649416
Semantic Scholar (metadata): 10.1177/0739456X16649416
Sci-Hub (fulltext): 10.1177/0739456X16649416
Internet Archive Scholar (search for fulltext): Charging for Parking to Finance Public Services


Examines regularization of parking and provision of better public toilet facilities in Beijing hutongs (alleys). Parking regulations enforced, residents have gratis spots. Better public facilities subsidized by general revenues. What if parking spots were paid for, and directly paid for local public services? Authors have 4 research questions:

  1. can market-priced on-street parking yield enough revenue to pay for substantial public services?
  2. is this policy efficient? Will the benefits exceed the costs?
  3. is this policy fair? How will the benefits and costs be distributed?
  4. is this policy politically feasible? Will a large majority of the affected residents see large net benefits?

Find affirmative for all questions:

  • estimated payback period for the investments in sanitation, security, landscaping, and parking is less than three years
  • Only 35 percent of households in the pilot program own a car and the average income of car-owning households is almost three times the income of carless households

Should be politically feasible anywhere carless outnumber car-owning households, i.e. especially throughout developing world, but parking benefit districts have also been successful in developed world.