Addressing Research Software Sustainability via Institutes
Citation: Daniel S. Katz, Jeffrey C. Carver, Neil P. Chue Hong, Sandra Gesing, Simon Hettrick, Tom Honeyman, Karthik Ram, Nicholas Weber (2021/03/05) Addressing Research Software Sustainability via Institutes. arXiv (RSS)
arXiv (preprint): arXiv:2103.03690
Internet Archive Scholar (search for fulltext): Addressing Research Software Sustainability via Institutes
Tagged: Computer Science
(RSS) research software engineering (RSS)
Research software is necessary for research but requires effort to maintain. Much of that maintenance is done by "itinerant laborers" (e.g. grad students and post docs). We can try to reduce the amount of maintenance necessary and incentivize people to provide that maintenance. Government funded Software Sustainability Institutes are poised to take some responsibility for software maintenance.